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Old 05-27-2013, 08:20 PM
TomCanuck TomCanuck is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Murder rate in Chicago is high because:

1) Stolen guns and illegally acquired guns from outside Chicago make there way there.

2) Gun crime is highest in the areas of the US with the highest poverty...Chicago is in a tough way economically.

3) Population is huge.

Gun laws if used as an argument will only prove lax gun laws outside Chicago is the reason for the crime...not gun laws within Chicago. To fix there problems you need to fix the root cause...poverty and then work to stop the import illegal guns.
Poverty does not cause violence. Certain sub-cultures celebrate it. A lot of the gangsters in the lower mainland were middle class kids.

Gun laws are to violence what prohibition is to pot smoking. What people desire, people acquire. One way or another.
Pacifists exist at the pleasure of the more aggressive, or by the sacrifices made by the less passive.
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