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Old 06-20-2017, 06:25 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by CorahsDad View Post
You're degenerating into a babbling SJW now. What does that even mean, that I "believe in hate"? That I believe hate exists in the world? I suppose so.

Do you know who else believes in hate?

I am certainly not spreading hate, if that's what you're insinuating. I'm trying to have a very honest and fact-based discussion about where the loyalties of "true" Muslims ought to lie. You're the one bringing emotions into this.

The word you're looking for is "translated", not interpreted. And yes I realize that. So what? Are you challenging the accuracy of the translation? Find me a better one, if so. You linked dozens of translations of a single passage above and they all said essentially the same thing. All of these translations are done by Muslim scholars and there is not much difference between them. I don't see your point in pointing it out.

Just like the last guy, you're trying to deflect to Christianity. Christianity and the Bible are completely irrelevant to this discussion. It's just one fallacy after nothing coming from you. You still have done nothing to meet my challenge posed earlier in this thread and you have done nothing to counter my argument.
Pointing out traits of one religion and vilifying it while ignoring or protecting the similar traits in others proves bias in your thinking.

What does "wali" means in Arabic?
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
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