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Old 03-25-2023, 09:24 AM
DOGFISH's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Fort Saskatchewan
Posts: 733
Default The sky is falling.

There is a pile of Chicken Little believers out there. Climate Crisis like the dirty thirties was not caused by mand made CO2. Talk about severe weather. Not sure but when I went to school didn't plants convert it to Oxygen??? Studies have shown plants on earth have done better in the past with higher CO2 Levels going back thousands of years. How can opinions studying only the last 100 years be believed but such weak minded people. I guess if you can't think for yourself you are happy to have the government steal your money in the form of Carbon Tax and give it to other people as you pay compounded carbon taxes as every time somebody touches a product or commodity. Its impossible to figure out the carbon tax percentage as its multiplying faster than you can calculate it. Whew. I feel better now. Dogfish.
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