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Old 06-30-2010, 03:05 PM
Rafter Rafter is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 131

Originally Posted by Arn?Narn. View Post
WOW !...I was under the impression that were many many many more Metis status hunters than those numbers...

Does that 15,000 include men women and children? I'm sure it must.

with only 1000 legally hunting under status,...and of that 1000 I wonder what the percentage is of those that are taking advantage or concentrating on trophies...

Is it possible, based on the numbers above, that this whole thing is blown way out of proportion?

Depending on the number of "convenience metis" that make that 1000 hunters, i'd almost suspect that the issue with Metis hunting rights is smaller issue than non metis poachers...


The 15,000 includes old ladies in wheel chairs, old men, and many non hunters

Yes this has been blown way out of proportion.

There are no stats that I am aware of but I hazard a guess of less than 1% are just hunting for trophies when they are only supposed to be hunting for food. These opportunists are breaking Metis rules

Yes, I agree that Metis hunting numbers does not even come close in comparison with non Metis poachers. In saying that there are bad apples in the Metis bunch also but the numbers obviously would be very low in comparison to non Metis numbers just because of the sheer volume of non Metis hunters. It's all relative. Metis 1% of 1,000 = 10 All others 1% of 100,000=1000.
