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Old 09-15-2009, 08:58 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Originally Posted by ericlin0122 View Post
I went to fishing near bowness park. I saw some jumps, but not able to land any. Kind of slow, and the water is very low right now.
I would suggest go to Douglasdale instead, I had pretty lucks there last few times.
Prince nymph works fine at Douglasdale.
Anyone has idea what's good dry flys to use right now???
try downstream by the footbridge, on the west side of the river, or work your way down from the park and fish all the little breakwaters along the shore, I piled a lot of those myself, and there are a lot of trout hanging around them. the trout hang out along the dropoff on the west side, the whitefish mostly along the east shore. until you get below the railroad bridge then its mostly whitefish til you get down to the springs

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