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Old 04-22-2018, 04:28 AM
Don Andersen Don Andersen is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Central Alberta
Posts: 1,796


I was told by the ACA they were and had been in negotiations with the Dept of Environment to determine who was going to do the Maintainence of properties like Beaver Lake.
As the lake was stocked in 1999 and 19 years later no work has been done on the road other than plowung the snow to accommodate the ice fishermen, I wouldn't hold my breath that work will get done soon.
I maybe wrong however as the holes are now deep enough that our car can't use the road.
They turned down my offer to fix the road.
As I pointed out to the ACA, when they and Givt get in a ****ing contest, they only people that get wet is the angler.
By the way, tbe fishing licenses pay their wages,

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