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Old 05-28-2010, 01:34 AM
Marisa Marisa is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 14

Originally Posted by whiskybaron View Post
Mud bug you are very correct Ravens and crows are one of the largest predators of bird nests around and people do not realize it I have seen ravens catch a hen mallard in teh open and eat the newly hatched chicks whole before they could reach water. Some people have asked why wopuld you shoot them my answr is we control everything else on this planet including deer and waterfowl etc then we need to help them out by controlling their predators at least that is what I think I will shoot every raven (on private property) and crow and magpie that I can
The biggest predators of bird nests are cats. That's right, your house and/or barn cat will kill more birds than all the other natural predators of birds. Merlin's (a small falcon) does nothing but hunt birds - the same applies to you the regal Peregrine Falcon. Gyrfalcons and all hawks also hunt other birds so ... what are you going to do .... shoot every bird out there?

How can you fault one species from doing its best to survive.That's nature and it really doesn't need you interfering with it. You'll only make the situation worse in the end. Butterfly effect man - you are causing more of a problem than solving it.

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