Thread: Travers Closure
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Old 11-16-2011, 09:51 AM
Gust Gust is offline
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Originally Posted by Dan Foss View Post
That doesnt really answer any questions at all. If applied to the travers situation it actually raises more questions. If they are saying that fish are not getting as big and are skinnier due to the lake reaching carrying capacity then the answer should be slot size harvest. not extended closures. That is the exact opposites of each other.

I dont think this applies to the travers discussion regarding this particular closure. But it could explain why size numbers are decreasing in travers and some of the other southern res'. Once again it would be awesome to have the data that they gathered this statement from or that they are basing the closures on.
If offers a perspective into the decision making and potential names and contacts of those who would have the data.

However, I received an email this morning on the "Data" of Travers and this is the bulk of the letter,,, which raises another question or several;

...... the netting survey you seem to be searching for was just completed at the end of September. We won't get around to analyzing the data until this winter, and the report won't be available until next spring at the earliest.
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