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Old 01-12-2011, 03:30 PM
sheepguide sheepguide is offline
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Originally Posted by sheephunter View Post

Being opposed to more redundant laws doesn't mean you are opposed to the premise of the law, it just means you are opposed to more redundant, pointless laws. The more conditions you add to a law, the more difficult it becomes to enforce. We don't want pack dogs chasing, herding or molesting wildlife.....why do we need breed restrictions, weight restrictions and distance restrictions? KISS for both hunter and enforcement officer.
I dont think we want more laws or need more laws. But I do know that without new laws being put forth to regulate the old law will not be removed and dogs will not be allowed with us. So me personaly will gladly deal with a couple redundant rules or laws to acheive the ability to have my dog out there.
And the only reason I suggest the distance regulation is because so many people have and are(even AO members) stating that the dogs can be used in other ways and purposes and have used reasons on why that dogs shouldnt be allowed out there. The distance away can regulate what said dog can be used for.