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Old 06-28-2011, 11:51 AM
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Zuludog Zuludog is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
I beg to differ.

All Alberta tax paying sportsmen are custodians and guardians of the resource. There are processes and methods in place for us to exercise our duty such as the Report a Poacher hot line. Remember however that guardian does not mean judge, jury and executioner.

Once you have fished long enough and get a little older and wiser you will know that poaching is not defined by age, sex, skin color or fishing method but rather a total disrespect for the rules and regulations set out to protect the resource.

Joining a poor chorus of them against us does little to constructively address this ongoing problem.

We all need to be part of the solution. The more eyes on the water the better...but then let F&W do their job and address infractions they see.

Also discussing common areas where poaching occurs and even discussing regulations to ensure every understands and complies can only help. Communication is the key.

So keep at it the poachers...continue being a guardian of the resource. The more eyes and ears the better...and the more F&W get called the more they will patrol an area. Lack of action will mean a free for all.
x2 well put. Its everyone's responsibility to help protect resources but leave the enforcement to the F&W guys/gals. Vigilance and communication are they key, while apathy and saying "its not our place to report people" is what leads to the destruction of fishing stock.