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Old 06-28-2011, 02:10 PM
boot boot is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 230

Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post
...then sadly you dislike the truth....thats for you to deal with if you dislike the facts as truth, like I said I invite you to come on down to the Beaumont pond @ 4-Seasons park (can give you directions if you like) and witness what I am talking about. I have a spare fly rod for you to try if you like also....

I think you have a personal goal to feel what is good inside each poacher to justify their actions, and to find the gentle humanity in their illegal actions. Come to the pond and you can give out free hugs.....maybe they just want to be held and they will change their poaching ways.

So by truth, you're telling me that F&W went out there and tried to ticket these families. They claimed the children caught the fish and you saw that the children (wife, friend or whoever) did not actually pull in the fish. I'm also going to guess that the children are miserable out there, since these fathers are dragging them out there for no other reason than to be able to take a couple more fish home for the day.

I'm not sure how you can claim the truth/fact about another person's intentions just by looking at them? Again, I'm not talking about the act of poaching (which is debatable, since the description said they keep everything they catch... what does that mean?).