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Old 11-22-2017, 08:19 PM
deerless deerless is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 79
Default Need whitetail help outside Calgary

37 year old single guy from Calgary. I'm an "adult-onset hunter". It's my third season hunting whitetail (first with my bow, then my rifle), and I'm still empty handed. I've been hunting at least a dozen times this season, and still nothing. It's not just bad luck...I'm doing something wrong. I'm honestly ready to quit hunting if I'm empty handed this year too. It's too much cost and effort for no results again and again.

Can anyone who knows white-tail hunting come and show me what I'm doing wrong?

I have the rest of the month off work, so my schedule is clear.

I've been hunting 2 spots in 314 that are about an hour's drive from town. I know these properties pretty well, and I can show you where the deer hang out. I just can't get my crosshairs on one of the buggers! Note; this will be an on-foot hunt. You can't get a quad or a truck into either of these areas, which are about a section each.

If we harvest something, we split the meat...but, the one who shot it gets the head / cape. Must be willing to be on-site before dawn, which means probably getting up at 4am-ish. I would also like to meet for a coffee/beer beforehand, to hash out details.

Please PM me if you're interested.
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