Thread: concussion
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Old 12-09-2019, 08:09 PM
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ghostguy6 ghostguy6 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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After taking a pool cue to the side of the head I found I was much more prone to headaches and migraines. Thankfully the migraines are few and far between but when they come its a whopper. I also found I now have to sleep in total darkness and with some sort of white noise in the background as it takes forever to fall asleep. Its like Im some how more alert to soft noises.
I can not say for sure if the tinnitus I have is because of the concussion or if it is years of loud music and industrial noise.
My music taste is slowly moving more towards hard rock and heavy metal type songs if that means anything to you.
" Everything in life that I enjoy is either illegal, immoral, fattening or causes cancer!"

"The problem was this little thing called the government and laws."
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