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Old 06-27-2019, 07:55 AM
HyperMOA HyperMOA is offline
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Originally Posted by Talking moose View Post’s Dead. And probably cares less than I do the method chosen. A bullet usually kills faster than an arrow. Yet thousands choose the arrow.
A dump truck dropped from 100 feet onto an animals head kills the fastest. Yet nobody does it. Even though it’s the most humane.
He got the job done. Not the way I would of done it. But he may not of had access to a dump truck.
How does a a dump truck travelling at 32 FPS kill faster than a bullet at say 4100 FPS? If you want to be ridiculous please make the ridiculousness realistic. The fastest would be to dive an SR-71 at full afterburner from 100,000 feet onto it.

(Not too sure about that speed in FPS to be honest, but I think you get what I’m doing here.)