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Old 12-11-2014, 08:19 PM
Leafy Leafy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 370

Correct me if I am wrong, realistically the number of participants per week seems to managed at 125. So if the herd is nearing the numbers people are saying, removing even 2000 per year would sustain the current numbers but really do nothing in the reduction of this herd.

So assuming a higher success rate of both on and off this area, there would be near 2500 tags to be issued. If half, 1250 licences were allocated to inside the cofounds of CFB, that's two and a half months of hunting. This would cost more than buying a herd of cattle that size Where's the golden goose here ?

Now the other half of these tags could not be used outside the confines as the land owners now are upset at the pressure there. Couldn't imagine 1250 licences being issued for this area.

This situation is unfortunately out of control. Millions will be spent on nothing more than allowing opportunity to try and save face with the media, not our group. May sounds harsh, but these funds need to be put to better use IMO. The players in this game should be held accountable for all loss due to their poor management and these golden goose funds allocated to the general good of Alberta's wildlife.
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