Thread: Found Outdoors
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Old 02-24-2019, 12:49 PM
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Flanny Flanny is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 209

Last year out hunting I came across a good sized cougar killed whitetail skeleton, a 'print' tree, and the remains of an old fire lookout that somebody had clearly spent days and days building a stacked stone retaining wall around, including steps and a hole that likely had an outhouse on top. Nothing left of the structure but some cable anchors spaced around the site.

Also I find a surprising amount of garbage. Pack it out when you can.

The one that's been puzzling me is a tree cut down on top of a ridge way in the bush- with a chainsaw. Just dropped and left there, and its been at least ten years. Nothing cut nearby.

This is a great thread!
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