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Old 02-08-2017, 06:27 PM
JustMe JustMe is offline
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Default Fed advisers call for higher retirement age

Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
Trudeau could simply stop giving the taxpayers money away to foreign countries, for profit companies, and refugees.

And that's more or less what's happened. Pension contributions went into general revenue. And each government, no not just Trudeau, have happily spent away to buy votes. Now, the older generation is reaching pension age and guess what? They spent all the money and have no idea how they're going to make it up. The financial wizards warned them 40 years ago, but egos wouldn't let them listen, when votes could be bought. Sorta like the road tax on gasoline that was supposed to go to pay for road and infrastructure repairs etc. But instead the provincial governments started using it as general revenue to pay for all kind of crap not needed, but bought votes. Now there's no money set aside for new or repaired roads.

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