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Old 10-29-2009, 05:40 PM
Cal Cal is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: slave lake
Posts: 4,221

In the yukon I bought a new knife I'd never heard of for about 40 bucks, the name on it was "Ontario Knife". I have since learned that they suplyed the US military with knifes in WW2 and man does that blade hold an edge. The first year I owned it I gutted and quartered a moose with it without re-sharpening. Usualy I switch knifes half way through so I was pretty impressed. Another knife that I have that seems about as good is one my mother in law won at a Weathorford golf turnament, not sure what the brand is but it says Leipzig on the blade and the frame of the knife is a solid chunk of brass, this is my favorite folding knife.

The one bit of advice I have is stay away from any blade that has a gutting hook on it. THis is my one complaint about the Ontario Knife, the hooks on most knifes are too small to actualy work as a gutting hook and instead just get caught on all sorts of wonderfull things when your working inside an animal, avoid them like the plauge! If you want a gutting hook buy a gutting hook, trying to combine it with a knife doesnt work IMO.
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