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Old 05-20-2020, 08:16 AM
DRhunter DRhunter is offline
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Posts: 673

Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck View Post
I have used this analogy a bunch of times before but I’ll do it again... in regards to 999.

Picture you and your wife in the line up the super market... long line you are 5 back from the till, your wife forgets avocados and she has to go find them, you are not ready yet. You don’t want to completely abandon the line, but you let the guy behind you go before you... because you are a nice guy (and dang it the wife put you in a not ready status). This is what 999 does... you put yourself on standby till you are ready, and everyone else behind you now has a chance at your spot in line.

.... this is a bad thing, why?

Take it away and this happens, people will be forced to draw the tag... but maybe they can’t go on the hunt... so they take a tag away from someone who could have used it... so the tag still gets pulled BEFORE you are eligible, 999 allows you a chance at eligibility to pull a tag you would not have been eligible to pull beforehand.

Really who cares if I want to stand for hours in the super market letting people pass me in the line? I still want to checkout at some point but I’ll do it when my wife gets back and says we can go

Good analogy LC. I have never really understood how some people think that the 999/build priority option increases wait times in draws. I am sitting at an 11 priority in Mule Deer... probably could have been drawn 2-3 times in a lot of areas in Alberta in the last 11 years, but here I am "increasing" wait times by letting a couple other hunters go ahead of me in the draw...

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