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Old 06-11-2016, 02:25 PM
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Talking moose Talking moose is online now
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: McBride/Prince George
Posts: 14,690

Originally Posted by fainthopeacres View Post
Hello everyone
I'm female, 43 yrs old and I was born/raised in Calgary.
While most little girls played with dolls and had funerals for their deceased pets - I had stubbie beer bottles with garter snakes to play with and my pets were buried and dug up a year or so later so I could collect the skulls/bones ;o)
Although we lived in Calgary - both my parents & siblings were outdoors people and my upbringing was mainly spent in the bush fishing, learning how to track, identifying animals/plants etc.. etc... none of my family members hunted except my cousins and we did not spend much time with them growing up though.
I have lived in various places around southern Alberta including Turner Valley - Black Diamond and SW of Nanton. Currently - I live in Champion, Ab with my husband of 18 yrs (husband is also born/raised Ab). We have one son who is 22 yrs old and has moved on with his next chapter in life (yippee we're empty nesters!!!!). My husband has always hunted and finally after all these years - I have decided to get in on the action as well and 2016 is my second season of hunting.
We had a chance to go anywhere for a vacation a few years back - instead of soaking on a beach somewhere tropical - I chose the Yukon. We froze our keesters off but it was the best vaycay I've ever been on and I hope one day to move up there.
I proudly wear fur - collect sheds - skulls and bones and have many - many pets - well - I call them pets but they are all various taxidermy animals and pelts. A lot of folks are dumbfounded when they find out all these oddities are mine and not my husbands - lolol.
Both of us are flooring installers (husband has 45 plus yrs and I've been at it for 13 yrs) and sub contract off a small mom & pop shop in Vulcan. We live - work and play hard together and would not have it any other way.
I'm not sure what else to say except that I do enjoy this forum and have found it helpful. I have no desire to "build up" my posts - I could care less - have better ways of spending my time and that is not why I joined. I thank you for accepting me here and I wish everyone a successful hunting season this year and in the future. Thank you ~ Sue.
Welcome Sue! Great write up.
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