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Old 06-25-2013, 11:03 AM
Hunter Trav Hunter Trav is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 2,698

why should a tounament angler be allowed to upgrade and the general public not. Using the same logic,it's either a fish you want to weight in or it's not no reason for culling end of story
Well this is very true, and I cannot argue with that. Either way its tough to enforce the culling rule, so I guess it would be better to have people properly informed about how to ensure the fishes safety in doing so. If done in a proper aerated live well, I'm really not against culling provided the fish remains healthy and is looked after. The problem being those that don't have live wells would try and do so with stringers over the side of the boat, and any fish which might be released probably not make it...

there are far more boats out their in the general public domain that do indeed have such live wells than perhaps your aware of
I am aware that alot of boats do have them, I'm also aware that most "tin boats" do not. I'm willing to bet that there are more boats out there that do not have live wells on our lakes, as there are ones that do...

sounds like a stressed fish to me
No more so than the average joe angler not handling their fish properly. And really once they're revived in the live well, they are quite calm and relaxed. Once you try to handle them again they are full of p**s and vinegar, and when they are put back after weighing they swim away quite readily, and live to see other day...

Just to play devils advocate for a moment. I have fished this lake for over 38 years so have an idea about the lake as well.
Sounds to me like your just ****ed about having to share the lake with others...