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Old 08-16-2012, 12:09 AM
Mekanik Mekanik is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Fort McMurray
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Originally Posted by Smackdown View Post
I have a few other pics at home that are more recent and all I can say is if they can't stop a 45 at 15yds I can't see them much good at shorter distances against most of the guys here on this fourm with what they have "locked up" in their cabinets
Originally Posted by fish gunner View Post
as vmc posted quite a few rounds have very little problem poking holes. I have heard tell fmj's from a .22 mag and similar high speed small caliber projectile 's work particularly at defeating kevlar below actual plates. have some experience with injuries caused by rounds just catching the edge of armor, can you say buzzsaw. ... all the folks wishing for bullet resistant clothing fill your boots. lol ill give it 4-6 hours before they pass out or throw it away.
Excellent points. I do believe there's quite a few myths about body armor that has most people believing that they magically protect a wearer from any harm. I also believe that this has to do with the use of body armor in movies where the hero takes two or three rounds and goes on to win the day.

If this were true, why do we have soldiers and police dying from bullet wounds? They minimize the trauma for the most part, not eliminate it.
If you're reading this, why aren't you in the woods?

Stupidity is taxable and sometimes I get to be the collector.
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