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Old 02-27-2014, 05:38 PM
rwm1273 rwm1273 is offline
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Originally Posted by ali#1 View Post
Do you think a governor in the USA is going to declare herself a dictator ?

Sure elected officials are there to represent its people, that doesn't mean that every issue gets to have a referendum. We elect people to do that for us and if they do a poor job we elect them out next time.

You also touched on the tyranny of the majority. Because a majority of people may want something doesn't mean it should be approved, slavery for example shouldn't be brought back because black people don't have enough votes to out vote it, rights are there for the minority tha majority does not need protection.
In this case, she did. It should have been voted on.

I think you don't give the public enough credibility to do the right thing. You clearly think that the government should dictate to the public right from wrong, and you don't seem to have any ability to see things from a different point of view. This is why it is so difficult to have a reasonable discussion with people like you.

I don't think had this law passed that there would have been a big influx of segregation issues. Most people have grown accustomed to be tolerant. What I saw this law doing, and based on discussions with my parents who are currently in Arizona, this law was more about giving people who have religious views back some rights to not be forced to do something that violates their moral convictions.