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Old 01-18-2012, 09:01 AM
fish gunner fish gunner is offline
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Originally Posted by WayneChristie View Post
Ive watched them eat bait head first, tail first, and sideways, sometimes they are really picky and grab where they dont see a hook, sometimes they dont care if they see it. when they get really hook shy I downsize my bait and use a single treble pushed up through the middle of the small bait. some pike come in at 100 miles an hour and smash the bait, some sneak in and sit there and push it around with their nose then either eat it or leave. helps to give it a bit of a jig if they are just staring at it, or it will scare them off, depends on the fish and the day I guess. learn a lot watching them on a camera or down the hole in shallow water.
not sure, they may hit a bait from any direction but I am quite sure they have to turn their food to the head first position,un less we are talking big big then yes they eat any way they like.what I want to know is why they eat wire worms and such. friends and I watched a monster at sylvan have a go a 8-9" mackerl then take a poke at a wire worm,what gives??
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