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Old 09-24-2017, 07:29 AM
Slicktricker Slicktricker is offline
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Originally Posted by fishnguy View Post
Today is the due date but the baby is keeping tight so far. Our first was born on the due date. Will see what the second one does.

On that note, I made another trip to the field where I am planning to take a cow elk later on (it is only a five-minute drive from home) . I got there just before sunset and walked to one of the bales and stood behind it. Pretty much right away I heard a bugle, a really bad one, and then another one and another. I would say about three bugles per minute and cow calls in between. Obviously no elk around or sound of such. I hope whoever was doing that will settle down or move on. It isn't going to work for either of us if it is to continue. It was coming from the neighbouring field; I saw a tree stand there when I was scouting this spring and I am pretty sure that is where it was coming from. Sucks.

The fun thing was that I got to watch young mule deer playing around and chasing each other, regardless of these ugly calls (they did not seem to mind or probably got used to it since the guy was going non-stop). The best part was when two of the little ones were chasing each other and at one point they ran towards the bale I was standing behind, one to the right side of the bale and the other to the left. Once they passed the bale, they stopped a couple of meters (literally) from me and just stood there and stared at me for quite a while. Then one of them walked to the mommy, but the other kept staring for a few seconds longer. I could reach him with my hand, that is how close the little dude was. He ran off to the rest of his crew and they all walked away. I love these types of encounters. Good evening.

Hope you all are doing well!
Never going to get an elk if you don't try only way to get better at calling is to go for it maybe find the hunter and give him a few pointers at calling
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