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Old 10-25-2015, 10:40 PM
xtreme hunter10 xtreme hunter10 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Edmonton, AB
Posts: 556

Originally Posted by Don Andersen View Post

Due to a court case, open water holes left by anyone may result on manslaughter charges.
For that reason. the ACA is attempting to find a solution to aeration that will not create an open water pool.
The companies they are talking to either have expensive or untried solutions.

I reviewed the lakes that will be lost in the Rocky area alone.

To understand the problem, here is what is left

Birch - winterkill probable
Beaver - winter kill probable
Fiesta - winter kill complete
Ironside Pond - winter kill complete
Alford Lake - winter kill complete
Mitchell - winter kill very possible

Struble Lake - perched
Phylsis Lake - perched
Twin Lake - perched
Cow Lake - perched
Tay Lake - perched

Perched means the lake has been illegally stocked with perch thereby decreasing trout growth to near 0.

Leaving us with

Peppers Lake - tiny trout
Goldeye Lake - tiny trout
Fish Lake - tiny trout

Loss of the aerated lakes will hit hard.

I contacted Todd Zimmerling CEO of the ACA to find out what they intended to do. They are working with some companies in an effort to get some type of aeration systems installed. The ones Todd mentioned are costly and untried in Alberta.

So - put on your thinking caps - how would you aerate a lake w/o creating an open water pool?



Im a little confused...what retards decide to go onto a lake that has open water? Do we really need a law? Why not post a simple sign..." you fall in a drown, your an idiot...we take no responsibility"
Hey Vegans/Vegitarians my food craps on your food!

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