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Old 04-26-2024, 12:21 PM
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pikergolf pikergolf is offline
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Originally Posted by Scott h View Post
It does seem odd that this new funding system seems designed to pit NP's against physicians. When you look at the education required to be a NP vs that required for a MD. it's not even close. The initial idea behind NP's was to offload much of the common repetitive workload off onto specialty RN's with increased training, that would compliment the healthcare team. The current "plan" has them replacing doctors. At 80% (plus vacation, sick time, pensions, insurance, etc.) the province will be paying the same, or more, for a vastly lower quality product. When someone goes to a NP with a problem outside their scope of practice, I would really have doubts if any physician would now take their referral. Why would they???
Let me ask you this, for those without a family doc, if you have a really bad cold and are coughing up blood do you want to go sit in emerg for 10 hrs and be treated like a criminal because they don't think it's an emergency or do you want to see a NP? Everything that looks serious a family doc sends you to a specialist same as a NP would. I would much rather have a NP that knows me than keep going to emerg or walk in to see a strange doc every time. The plan is not to replace Doctors like your union tell you, it is to fill a need that a world wide DR shortage is causing. They would be running the practice as a private practice not unionized according to the government so stuff your fear mongering. As for your doubt that a specialist would not see them if referred well that is more fear mongering.
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