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Old 12-20-2019, 10:00 PM
supersquid666 supersquid666 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 12
Default Big Pike!!! and ignorant fishermen.!!!

So i hit a small lake just west of Edmonton this afternoon with my son. Fishing in 21-22 feet of crystal clear water. Ice was horrible, 2" top water and 6"of slush and only 7"of good clear ice. Usually this is a hotspot for tons of small perch, great for kids to get hooked on fishing. Today....crickets, staying warm in the tent, doing some jigging and a couple anchovies near the bottom for pike. I'm out trying other holes when my son starts talking about a log on the bottom. I came back to the tent and he shows me this "log". Quick glance and I'm like ok..great its a log....but then I blacked out the tent, let my eyes adjust and took another look.....not a log!!!!! 3 feet away from my 6" anchovie is a monster pike....sitting right on the bottom...sat there chillin' for an hour. It was easily 7-7.5 times the length of the bait. I compared and visually measured a dozen times....this thing is 42-44" easy, and thick. After dropping everything next to it in my ever so slowly moved off into the abyss without so much a sniff of what we had to offer. We did end up catching some perch and 5-6 lb pike....but not the beast. But just watching it made our day.
That being said....super disappointed with the trash people leave behind on the ice. Not hard to pick up your beer cans and coffee cups after yourselves!!!!
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