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Old 12-28-2014, 09:11 PM
big zeke big zeke is offline
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Originally Posted by waterninja View Post
Never having hunted Suffield or surrounding area I have another question. Where do you stay at night? Are there towns within reasonable driving distance with hotels/motels? Is Bassano close enough to be viable?
I know some hardcore hunters that have told me they will be sleeping in thier trucks, but I am not that hardcore, esp. in Feb.
When we hunted this fall we stayed in Med Hat, roughly a 25 min drive to the base and it has everything. I wouldn't imagine sleeping in a truck would be fun, esp since the rooms are cheap enough (~$100/night). Depending on snow conditions, chains would be a good idea (if you don't bring them you know you'll need them). Get comfortable at long'll find it handy, you can't really sneak up on them...there are essentially no trees.

It is definitely a cull, the meat will be fine. This is not the first late season cull held in Alberta (Magrath IIRC a few years ago) and they can be quite effective. If we don't take a role in this cull, we won't be invited back. They want the herd pared back and this will happen one way or another.

I never figured out why we like to kick each other in the shins. If you don't like what someone is doing (as long as it's legal) then shut up and move on. It makes me shake my head when AO members joust with each other over morality...some of us are our own worst enemies!

The hunt is certainly worth doing, elk like you have never seen before.
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