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Old 06-26-2010, 08:44 AM
switchsl switchsl is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: edmonton
Posts: 338

My father has status, I guess that makes me an indian, or metis, or whatever you want to call me. Both of us pay our taxes, work for a living and hunt with apropriate tags in the designated season. I guess I was the first to say that in this particular thread. Before anybody gets their hate on, remember there are hard working and lay people of all colors.
Now, to vent. The handouts, yes... I said it, handouts that status indians and metis have and seek are absurd. So what if your ancestors were traeted poorly, its time to get over it instead of feeling sorry and blaming your troubles on 100 year old treaty failures. All persons of all origins had the right to hunt and fish freely at one time. You think millions of people around the world are not being treated poorly as you read this, who have no opportunity to go to school or even work beyond tending their sparse crops. I hate to stereo type, but as Chief Louie said... you are a bunch of sniffling lazy people (people being the persons who dont seem to want to work to better their situation and fellow man). Before you put a racist stake in my heart, this is coming from one of those supposed snifflers. The elders I used to know, and respect, have little to nothing good to say about todays aboriginal youth. Its to bad the people who choose to gain an education, like so many in all walks of life, are now using it to exploit freebies and manipulate the laws instead of educate their people and give a hand to those who cant help themselves. Its cheaper now and better PR for the gov't to pay them off instead of saying no, so thats what they do.
The world is not as it was 100 years ago, stop trying to gain rights as if it was. Did you know there is still a law that you will get a horse and a gun when you are let out of jail in Alberta. If we pay all our criminals thousands of dollars for an outdated rule some leech dug out of some ancient legal document, it would be a public outrage. I dont have the copy of the above mentioned agreement of a horse and wagon, but that should be an outrage also . I am not racist, or prejiduce, only biased favoring those who choose to help themselves by working for what they want, I could care less what colour or religion you are. If anybody is wondering, I am Mi`kmaq from the gaspe, French, Scottish and Ukranian, and it shouldnt matter. I am proud of who I am, and where I live, and I know I have it good. Pull your heads out of your arses and have a look at how great our country is, not how to exploit it. If you dont like my opinion, well, I am entitled to my freedom of speech just as you are.