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Old 03-27-2024, 11:25 AM
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
I would ask Trudeau to prove that his carbon tax has reduced emissions in Canada, by supplying actual numbers that can be verified by people not associated with his government , or with climate change activists. I would further ask him how the emissions from natural gas heat compare to those from burning gas oil for heat, and why gas oil which produces more emissions is exempt from the carbon tax, while cleaner burning natural gas is not.
In response to my post: I am suggesting to seize on this opportunity to make Trudeau eat his own words that he has publicly put forward and officially challenged 7 Provinces. Action, not just the same old condemnation to his carbon tax. Saskatchewan could produce a very compelling future plan to implement SMR nuclear supplements to energy. Alberta could expand on the very real carbon capture technology that we have already poured billions into.

Your suggestion is to keep bitching the same old points to Trudeau that you know darn well he will just avoid and put back in your face with a bunch of virtue signalling. He has been challenged almost every day by the Conservatives on the factual points you mentioned. That is just too easy for Trudeau to avoid.

If Trudeau refuses to act on any of the Provincial ideas, that would at least make a great campaign commercial to illustrate how Trudeau rejected any other ideas other than his carbon tax. He has been getting away with saying the Conservatives have put forth no real environmantal plan.

Trust me, I agree with you, but wouldn't my suggestion be better political tact?
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