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Old 03-14-2019, 01:53 AM
Marty S Marty S is offline
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Originally Posted by pikeslayer22 View Post
Never will it fit in back of your truck or an enclosed with tracks. Normal car trailer would be the only way to haul. If you only used the snowmobile once why screw with tracks? The sxs will go through a lot of snow with tires.
So WRONG on never in back of truck eh??? with some most slight mods!!!

Why have machine.... I use a sled heavy like once in 10 years, drag everywhere those winters. Hate it but gotta do it when the snow demands it. I swear tho that next deep snow winter I am a full time furbuyer!!! Mind you, them winters the coyotes go berserk and it’s great fun mass annilating and your biggest concern is those vile little sledders... anyways, when you need one you gotta have it!

So hard starting atv/utv’s... I was using a master diesel mechanic in Pincher Creek once upon a time for truck work and noticed they did a little quad work as well. He seemed to like the Suzuki’s and what he would do was cut the frame in the back of the machine and modify it and re-weld it to accommodate a second battery that was much larger and more powerful, as well as change out the original battery with a second the same size. His purpose was to ensure the machine wouldn’t kill the battery when pushing snow all day with a winch and blade. Now what counts... his claim was that he could start the machine with great ease in the extreme cold like even -35.

Don’t yell at me! That was his claim... I’m just an ignorant trapper!

So that is my master plan! Will I fail? I need the machine most when it’s cold, often stupid cold. The snowmobile should always start... however the prospect of a machine with a full cab and real windshield and doors really appeals to me. Can you believe that?
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