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Old 12-22-2006, 12:03 PM
sheep hunter
Posts: n/a
Default Re: crossbows

Again, I'm a supporter of the season. I'd just like to hear why crossbow enthusiasts are so worried about being a part of the archery season? Do they have to overlap? I really could care less if the archery season was first or the crossbow season was first.....but they're different and should be treated differently.....
I don't think they are worried about being included in archery season...they just want an opportunity to hunt and rather than creating a new season, which would cause archers or rifle hunters to give up a portion of their season, the crossbow hunters are just following what has been done in a large number of states and provinces where crossbows are included in regular archery season. I doubt you'll ever see extended seasons in this province, so for there to be a dedicated crossbow season someone would have to give up a portion of theirs. I guess rather than reinventing the wheel, the simplest solution seems to be to follow the lead of many of the other states and provinces that allow crossbows in archery season.

As for crossbows being easier to question they are but I see that as a positive. I mean I'd rather have archers that are more proficient with their weapons in the field. When it comes right down to it though, it's the skill of the hunter that matters and getting within range is the real challenge with either weapon.
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