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Old 12-22-2006, 12:41 PM
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Default Re: crossbows

I know what you guys mean about archers and rifle hunters not wanting to give up part of their season....but I would gladly do it.

I'd love to see crossbows introduced. I know of a few 180+ deer that would have got thumped this year if that was the case.

One thing I'd ask, is if crossbows dont want to be lumped into archery hunting, why is it so important to have the crossbow season with the archery season, and not just with the rifle season as it is right now? I have no problem archery hunting during rifle season, so I'm just wondering....

Anways, this will be an ongoin subject and I'm not going to keep posting my thoughts in a repeated fashion. Not really sure why I'm even making these points, as I support crossbow hunting. I also support a muzzleloader season, as I know most do. TJ, would you like to see a muzzleloader only season, or are you happy with it in the rifle season?

Guess theres lots of things to chat about. Hopefully one day we'll see some form of season for crossbows.....
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