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Old 06-28-2010, 10:19 PM
just just is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 12

Originally Posted by flint View Post
There are hundreds of laws enacted in Canada where it favours one and not others. Let's start with Martin's Annual Criminal Code of Canada. Why is there a more severe punishment to murdering a Peace Officer then it is to murder a commoner? Is a Peace Officer's life more valuable than your's or mine? Why can't I use a crossbow for hunting during the archery season, but the other guy can because of an injury. He can shoot from his vehicle because he can't walk. I don't have to wear a seat belt because I'm pregnant. The list go's on and on. I know that these are exceptions, but are they equal to others? There are no laws in any country that treats every person equally. None! Furthermore, if every person was treated equally by law it dosen't necessary mean that it will be practiced. In otherwords, laws are broken. Laws are not racist, only some favor special groups or minorities. Regardless, at the end of the day the Aboriginals will receive the shorter end of the stick because some great white hunter thinks that hunting is his right and not our natives.
" I don't have to wear a seat belt because I'm pregnant." That's a bad idea!!!! You can wear a seat belt when you are pregnant and should, why would you want a pregnant women to be killed in a car crash????? You need to wear the seat belt lower to make sure you don't hurt the baby but really!!??