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Old 04-04-2009, 09:54 PM
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ww2269 ww2269 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 569

I knew this guy years ago when i used to play hockey with his brother and stay at their family farm several weekends. For all its worth he is a good common sense kind of a guy and im sure he was acting on his old school feelings of justice. I gaurente he wasnt trying to kill anyone and knew at the distance he was shooting with that shot that it wasnt going to be lethal. If a phesant gets away and the dog wont listen to come back my dog will catch a couple pellets to remind him of his hearing, or if the nabours dog is chasing my horses hell get some #6 in the but too, and he wont be back. Im not trying to justify what Brian did but the cops wouldnt help him anyway. Maybe im just bitter because i just got a cased rifle stolen from me out of a locked vehicle and im in jepardy of getting charged for unsafe storage. Some of you may attack me on this one but i have no faith in our justice system. Who are the criminals here?
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