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Old 06-10-2021, 03:31 PM
smitty9 smitty9 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 699

Originally Posted by Fishtracker View Post
Most things are solvable if you throw enough money at it.

Going to say this again. We have several large & deep trout lakes (that do not winterkill!) in Alberta which the trout populations are suffering big time due to non-existent stocking programs for them. Extra funds not required, just dump some fish in them already, end of story! A named a few lakes which fit the criteria in a prior post.

Seems our shortsightedness continues on with more money thrown out the window to support feature winterkills & proposed aeration systems on the horizon.
1. Not wasted money if the aerators work...right? No winterkills, or minimal.
2. Large and deep isn't the end all to be all. Ironic that you cited several artificial reservoirs as your best, prime examples. Firstly, some of those have actually been stocked. Secondly, some of of those large and (so called) deep reservoirs are subject to deep drawdowns, thus exposing the productive littoral shallow areas that provide the food and spawning area. When water levels are unstable, these reservoirs aren't the most ideal trout habitat.

Anyways, you and I aren't really seeing this fundamentally different. Trout fisheries can be small and shallow, and aeration can and does work. These larger waterbodies could work as well, but they have different issues that do need to be addressed.

Where you and I see this the same way is that these quality stocked fisheries are in high demand, anglers obviously like them, and the province should find ways to increase these opportunities.

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