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Old 10-15-2017, 05:43 AM
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Bonescreek Bonescreek is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
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It's smaller than any other deer I've ever shot, I joined the fall archery contest
on Archery Talk and so far I bet at half the pics. of deer taken so far mostly
in southern or south western states are deer as small as this one.

2 things very odd about this summer and early fall are no does with fawns
were seen in the pasture. When any deer did show up (once every 2 weeks or so) it was only 1 doe with 1 spike. Normally we see up to 3 herds of 4 to 5 does
with paired spotted fawns and a buck or two. Didn't happen this year.

The other thing was I never even saw any does with spotted fawns in the fields going to work or coming home.

When I got back home with the button buck I joked to my wife saying
"What the hell? Do these fawns loose their spots soon as their bigger than a football."

A very large part of Virginia is vast acerage of planted pine not corn or soybean so many deer here don't put weight on like they do from northern
Maryland on up or out in the western corn and wheat states.

But yea this deer and many of the others I've seen taken in the south this year are smaller than I've seen before.
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