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Old 11-04-2011, 04:22 PM
huntsfurfish huntsfurfish is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Southern Alberta
Posts: 7,350

In the past when using barbs. Just a guess and an estimate, but probably 80-90%(possibly more) of the fish I catch can be released without picking them up. Hooked in the lip, just a little twist with pliers or forceps and the fish was gone! Those that were hooked in the mouth were gently picked up and quickly unhooked then released and a small amount that were hooked severely line was cut immediatly or hook was snipped(if using cranks etc). Fish was released quickly. Fish that were hooked in touchy locations and bleeding out or gill hooked would likely not survive under any conditions and kept if legal to do so.

Anyone can achieve that with a little knowledge and care.

I have seen people digging out 20cent barbless hooks under the guise and reasoning that its easier to remove them- go figure.

Fish handling people, nothing more nothing less!
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