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Old 01-08-2011, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Nait Hadya View Post
so if the sheep saw your dog,fled into the open high country where you could now see them, would that not be assisting in your hunt? if he could smell them and alarmed them by barking,causing them to flee to open high country,would that not be assisting?
My dog has been taught not to bark and I much prefer an opportunity at unalarmed sheep. I definitely would not consider a barking dog spooking sheep as assisting the hunter; quite the opposite in fact but anyhow..... I guess we can sit here and pick fly crap out of the pepper all day long if we like or we can look at the big picture. I prefer the latter. With proper restriction placed on the use of pack dogs I see it as a win for hunters and quite likely grizzly bears. I appreciate the fact that you see it differently.