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Old 12-21-2018, 09:21 AM
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The Spruce The Spruce is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
So, you're saying that the ATA isn't involved in the Wolf's government run. But wasn't the ATA tasked with developing the program and administering it?

So, you're saying that the ATA had absolutely no knowledge of or involvement in the Fisher relocation program? That's the story that you want to stick with?

Because if the ATA did have knowledge that the Washington State Bios would be at the RV recruiting Trappers you would think that they would have felt a responsibility to inform the membership that they would be there. Maybe they just forgot.
Dude, You need a hug.
The Fisher program sign up was at the rendezvous, exactly what I said. After that the program was full. If you didn't get in then You were SOL.

As for the Wolf program, the ATA administers it, but like last year the $ for the program came in way to late. So people planning it were under the gun, again. Stuff gets missed when you have to plan something, and start a couple months late.

Maybe you should take up knitting and talk conspiracy theories with the other Granny's, because every time You open Your mouth You sound like one.

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