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Old 11-26-2016, 06:04 PM
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Canada
Posts: 3,900

Originally Posted by raab View Post
Well these are very important issues for me. If we had a CPC leader who won't force people back to work after a 36 hour strike over the weekend like Harper and Kellie Leitch did then thats someone I can vote for. Give it a week or two when there is actually a threat to the Canadian economy and its understandable.

Also if theres ever a PM willing to stop 3rd trimester abortion in this country, they'd get my vote no matter where they stand on any other issue. Trying to cut 3rd trimester abortion is not the right thing to push politically, because most people either are pro life completely or pro abortion completely. But in saying that as a country that tries to call itself humane, theres no way a fully grown fetus should be allowed to be legally aborted. People should be able to make the choice long before 26 weeks.
No sense putting your cart before the horse
You don't get to vote in his run up to leadership

Hopefully he returns in 2019
This forum is good at running the best of us out
Let alone someone who could one day make a difference