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Old 07-24-2018, 08:57 AM
Drewski Canuck Drewski Canuck is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 3,964
Default In the mean time ....

Years ago we were plagued with seals at Norris rock, Chrome Island, Tribune bay, etc.

I took a CD called "Whales of Blackfish Sound" (essentially underwater acoustic recordings of the different pod of KILLER WHALES).

I found the "transient, meat eating Killer Whale" section , and dubbed it onto a tape for about 20 minutes.

Each time we had a fish on, I would crank the boat stereo, and every single black greasy seal head would surface, and start swimming away!!!

At Norris Rock, we actually herded the seals onto the rock, just by blasting the killer whale sounds on the boat stereo.

Only fish we lost that trip was when my future sister in law, hit fast forward, and not play.

But yes, Washington is doing a big cull on a canal that goes to fish ladders, where the seals sit and pick off the salmon trying to go over the dam to the spawning beds, THIS IS IN FRESH WATER AND MILES FROM THE OCEAN!!!!

There is the same problem on the Puntlege river in Comox. Used to be loaded with hatchery salmon, now loaded with seals.

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