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Old 05-27-2008, 03:38 PM
wake wake is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 153

While fishing back in 2002 in Yucaba along the Amazon basin its not what I caught but what caught me.
About 3 days after getting home I had developed what I thought was a zit on my shoulder but no matter how hard I tried to get rid of the thing it just got more sore and swollen.I finally noticed that it was leaking alot of fluid that did not appear to be normal.
Off to the doctor I went...

It was not a zit atall but something called a ''Botfly larvae''.
Literally a maggot that was living off me.
The doctor removed the critter with no issues but it certainly was disgusting.
The things are pretty easy to catch down there I was told and you dont even feel the thing until its already made a happy little home on you.

And just to add to what they are here is a video.

Now go have some dinner!
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