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Old 06-03-2020, 04:13 PM
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jungleboy jungleboy is offline
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
This is a perfect example … say that the media is all funded by the left is simply not true.

There is plenty of the media on the right ….. Fox, Breitbart, the Rebel, Epoch Times, etc.. and they are not "bought and paid for" from anyone on the left - that last statement is simply incorrect.

It is, however, very convenient for many, including Trump, to blame his own blatantly stupid ignorant moves, stupid and ignorant comments and lies on the media.

If anyone doesn't like liberal news (or far right news for that matter) switch the channel and consume what you want to consume. Most of us are intelligent and thoughtful people who consume everything with open eyes and a pragmatic sense of suspicion and draw our own conclusions.

People (and the media) are skewed in both directions.

Trump has successfully polarized this like no other president ever has before.

Trudeau has done the same here as well, albeit, to less of an extent.

You’re right I should have amended my statement To read .I do not respect or trust the mainstream media. They are lazy and all seem to have an agenda.

That said , I do like Joshua Philips of “Crossroads” epoch times. they may be sympathetic towards Trump as you say ,but he presents the uncut videos and whole quotes in his stories and leaves it at that. seems to do a lot more legwork than just forming an opinion and presenting it as fact.
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