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Old 02-06-2018, 12:07 AM
Tom Pullings Tom Pullings is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Southwest
Posts: 532

Time for a revival. Read through and found lots of good ideas. Some of my ways to save money, resources, etc are:

Installed a cheap water shutoff valve on my shower head so I can turn the water off when I’m soaping up. You can really save water if you take navy showers (get wet, turn water off, soap entire body, turn water on and rinse).

I also do the bucket trick to save the water while waiting for the shower to get to temp. I generally use this extra water to water plants or for doing hand wash laundry.

Put a 2 litre pop bottle full of water and a bit of stones in my toilet tank. Haven’t noticed and performance change and saves 2l every flush.

I wear mostly wool clothing and hand wash it all in a laundry sink. I end up doing most of my laundry by hand now. It’s fast and saves water and electricity. Hang dry outside in summer or on a rack in winter. Another good thing about wool is it doesn’t really need washing very often as it doesn’t hold on to smells or dirt like most fabrics.

Walk to do any chores or shopping in town. Invest in a good backpack. Hard to impulse buy something large or heavy if you have to carry it home on your back.

Don’t buy big name outdoors gear. Lots of great hunting and fishing clothing and gear can be found in military surplus stores for unreal cheap. Usually gonna last you longer too as it’s military grade.

That’s all I can think of for now.

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