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Old 11-11-2017, 10:01 AM
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Canada
Posts: 3,900

If there is that many per day this time of year then it's people being stupid.

Don't be a victim.

Start your vehicle with your starter just before you leave.
Not 30 minutes.
Do some manual labour and scrape your windows instead of relying solely on the defroster to do it for you. Buy some of the Alaskan ice melt windshield stuff and it makes that chore even easier.
Then get in and start driving.
You don't need your vehicle like a sauna on the inside before you start driving.
Don't cry about it being cold, you live in a Northern Country that gets cold in winter.
Suck it up.
If you stop for two minutes or 30 minutes. Turn off your car. The inside temperature won't drop that much in 2 minutes and after 30 it'll warm up quicker.

Don't leave anything valuable in sight inside your vehicle. Take it out or hide it.
Put all your hunting/ fishing gear in it the in the time before you leave. Not the night before.
Sure but not as inconvenient as your vehicle broken into and stolen. And having to replace everything. Or not being able to go where you were planning.

After you park make sure you locked it. Don't rely on the fob to tell you it's locked. Physically pull the handle to ensure it locked.

The thief wants an easy score. They won't put the effort in for yours when your neighbor didn't put any into theirs.

Don't be the victim.

And if you are, then report it as quickly as possible. If the police find it and return it hopefully it's not too badly damaged. If it is that's why you have insurance.
Did the thief get away? Probably? Are the cops seemingly doing nothing? Maybe. But you did get your property back.

This isn't CSI and not TV and they can't always finger print and look for strands of hair to analyze.
And even if they did, it would likely take months of being back logged anyways and the thief would still be out there anyways.
If they didn't get him this time maybe they will the next time.
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