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Old 09-16-2010, 10:58 AM
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DarkAisling DarkAisling is offline
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Originally Posted by sjd View Post
Ha Ha! We're losing caribou in Alberta as a result of too much development in their ranges and you are poking fun at a wrong photo? Really funny guys....guess we're never going to get a hunt back.

Is this an Outdoorsman website, or a blind defence of the oil industry at all costs site?
This is "Caribou Season" for me. I'm in the office early in the morning, and I'm here until very late at night. I'm also often in on weekends. It isn't uncommon for me to pull 80 hour weeks at this time of year. When people find me nodding off at my desk, they ask "Caribou Season?" They're greeted with an "Uh huh." I pretty much go psycho this time of year.

What am I doing? I'm building maps. Every single thing our clients want to do inside caribou ranges within the next year has to be approved by SRD: whether it is maintaining or testing an existing facility or building a new facility.

I will make hundreds of edits to these maps. I'll move wells and reroute pipelines over and over again until SRD is happy. Sometimes, despite all of the hours of work by myself, and those at the O&G company (geophysicists, landmen, etc.) SRD will shake its head and say "No go."

Do not think for a second that development in the caribou ranges isn't watched and managed very closely.

But hey, if you don't require oil and/or gas in your life feel free to complain all you want. If you do require it, move to a location where your oil and gas supply is provided by the Middle East. There's some real ethical oil for ya!

God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then he made the earth round . . . and laughed.
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