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Old 12-13-2017, 11:42 PM
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Originally Posted by sureshot View Post
I have my medical card and 1 of my LP's I pay anywhere from 10-14 dollars, my other LP is 8-9 dollars. I also know there are other places online that only sell to medical card holders and you can get it ranging anywhere from $3-$12. If they want to go that route then maybe they should target drunks, they're a lot more violent than anyone that uses weed.
Can you or anyone tell me why every time weed is even mentioned, someone has to bring up that they think it's better for you, safer or otherwise better than alcohol?
They have nothing to do with each other.

I've never seen anyone in favor of deregulating alcohol even mention weed.

I don't drink or smoke anymore but every time weed is mentioned someone has to say something like "no one ever does anything bad after smoking pot"

I and my friends that drank never got violent because of it.

Violent people will be violent sober, drunk or stoned.
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