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Old 12-30-2017, 05:09 PM
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3blade 3blade is offline
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Default How to improve at spot and stalk bowhunting?

Ok, I know, PRACTICE and EXPERIENCE. But that's kinda the problem. The opportunities to actually go after critters on the ground with a bow are few and far between thanks to draw wait times and no-hunting private lands. It's not been effective on crown land, due to the omnipresent dense vegetation.

I've established the fact that Im missing one or most likely several pieces of the puzzle, and need to get more better at actually stalking and arrowing big game before committing to any further high priority draws or outfitted hunts. What's the best way to go about this? My current thoughts are:

-Spend a month in New Zealand, living like a feral cat and stalking everything that moves. Financially it would delay the other bucket list hunts, but would be pretty dang cool anyway.

-head to Texas or some other southern state to hunt a pile of hogs, for as long as I can afford to stay.

-say F it, only hunt whitetails with a bow, and use a rifle for draw tags and adventure hunts when going after new animals in unfamiliar terrain. Probably the most effective, but seems rather unfulfilling...or perhaps my "I wanna get it with my bow" thing is a whole lotta mental masturbation, wasted effort, and completely unrealistic?

-or I'm completely missing something and someone is going to turn the lightbulb on over top of my dunce hat.
“Nothing is more persistent than a liberal with a dumb idea” - Ebrand
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